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Empowering Women in Technology, Transformation & Digital: The New Zealand Perspective

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If you had told me last year that I would be switching from a career in Marketing and Communications to being a Client Manager across Technology, Transformation, & Digital, I would have thought that jump was nearly impossible for me. As a woman new to the tech scene in Wellington, I definitely had my doubts about whether I would cut it in the industry. What I found got me through was the positive reinforcement from my friends, colleagues, and family, who believed in me and my curiosity to keep learning and building up my core foundation of tech industry knowledge.

Now, three months into my new role, I absolutely love it and feel like I made a great career move. Because of this, I want to encourage more women to take the leap and get involved in Technology, Transformation, & Digital opportunities in New Zealand. This blog explores the New Zealand perspective of Women in Tech.

New Zealand, known for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, is also emerging as a dynamic hub for Technology, Transformation & Digital innovation. Among the driving forces behind this rise are some incredible women shaping the industry. Their contributions are not only transforming the tech landscape but also redefining the role of women in a field historically dominated by men. The art of empowering Women to join the technology sector can happen in a variety of ways. It can be as simple as the act of encouragement and positive reinforcement from hiring managers, colleagues, friends, and family.

The Growing Presence of Women in Tech

In recent years, the presence of women in New Zealand’s technology sector has grown significantly but is still hugely gender imbalanced. This shift is reflected in various initiatives to foster female participation and leadership. Organisations such as Women in Tech New Zealand and TechWomen are pivotal in creating platforms for women to connect, collaborate, and champion gender diversity within the industry.

The rise of women in technology roles is evident in the increasing number of female-led startups and tech companies making waves on both local and international stages. Women like Kristy Fairbairn, co-founder of the innovative agri-tech company AgriDigital, and Melodie Bender, the CEO of Echelon, are not just participating in the tech revolution but driving it.

Transforming the Industry from Within

Transformation within the technology sector extends beyond just technological advancements. It involves reshaping organisational cultures and practices to be more inclusive and supportive of women. New Zealand companies are increasingly embracing this transformation by implementing policies and practices designed to promote gender equality.

For instance, many tech firms now prioritise diversity in their hiring processes, ensuring that women are equally represented in technical roles and leadership positions. Companies like Xero and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare are leading by example, not only in their commitment to diversity but also in creating environments where women can thrive. Trade Me is another big player in New Zealand that promotes and supports women in tech leadership roles with various initiatives. They recognise that only 27% of the New Zealand tech industry is made up of women, and it's apparent that more needs to be done to attract and retain female talent and see the value in investing in that.

Digital Innovation and Female Leadership

Digital innovation in New Zealand is supported by visionary female leaders who are making significant impacts across various sectors. Women in executive roles are driving digital transformation strategies that are not only improving business outcomes but also enhancing user experiences.

Take, for example, Sarah Putt, the Editor of TechDay, who has been influential in highlighting the successes and challenges of women in tech through her journalism. Similarly, Dr Michelle Dickinson, founder of Nanogirl Labs, is at the forefront of promoting STEM education and digital literacy among young women, ensuring that the next generation is well-prepared to enter the tech field.

Challenges and Opportunities

Despite the progress, challenges remain. Women in technology often face barriers such as gender bias, pay gaps and limited access to mentorship and career development opportunities. However, New Zealand is addressing these challenges through a variety of initiatives.

Programs like Tech Futures Lab offer training and support specifically designed to help women navigate and advance in the tech industry. Events such as Women in Tech NZ’s annual conference also provide valuable networking opportunities and professional development workshops.

The Future Looks Bright

The future for women in Technology, Transformation & Digital in New Zealand is promising. As more women take on leadership roles and drive innovation, they are setting new standards and creating a more inclusive and dynamic tech ecosystem. The ongoing efforts to address gender disparities and promote diversity are paving the way for a more equitable future.

In conclusion, women in New Zealand are making remarkable strides in Technology, Transformation & Digital fields. Their achievements and leadership are not only contributing to the success of their organisations but also inspiring future generations of women to pursue careers in technology. However, the biggest thing that needs to change in order to achieve this is our collective attitudes about women in technology.

To hiring managers, you have an opportunity to honour the contribution women bring to the industry and can offer equal remuneration market rates and opportunities to all genders with no bias. This encourages women to be more fairly represented in the technology industry, which is growing faster than any other in the world. As the industry continues to evolve, the role of women will undoubtedly become even more central to its ongoing success and innovation across Technology, Transformation & Digital in New Zealand.

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