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Optimising Your Resume for AI

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In an era where companies increasingly rely on artificial intelligence tools for various tasks, encountering AI during the job application process is almost inevitable. Engaging a dedicated recruitment specialist ensures that you will have human interaction in the initial stages. Still, it’s important to recognise that many organisations now use AI to screen job applicants.

This means your CV and cover letter might first be reviewed by an algorithm designed to identify key qualifications and experiences before reaching human eyes. So, how do you give it your best shot?

We’ll cover key tips on how to get your resume past AI and what to watch out for when using AI to refine your CV and cover letter.

Keep It Clean & Simple

When you send a CV via a submit button on a website, it will likely pass through software known as an applicant tracking system. That’s why it’s important to keep the visual structure of your CV simple.

Sections with clear headings and bullet points are the best way to go (and make it easier for busy hiring managers to read quickly). It’s also wise to avoid fancy formatting on your CV, such as non-standard fonts, columns, graphics or photos, which can hinder the document's readability.

Be explicit about your skills instead of grouping them under an umbrella term. For example, if you have experience with various software applications, list them individually instead of just writing ‘extensive backend testing experience’.

Tailor Your CV for Each Application

This has long been a golden rule of job applications and remains highly relevant in the era of artificial intelligence. Keywords are crucial for ensuring your CV gets noticed by both applicant tracking systems and human recruiters.

Carefully read the job description and include keywords that match the skills and experiences outlined. It’s also important to use the exact job title mentioned in the job posting in your CV.

Using AI to Write Your CV

AI can be a helpful tool in polishing your CV and cover letters, but we encourage you to make it sound as much like you as possible. Anyone with regular exposure to AI-generated text will likely be able to detect that you’ve used AI to create your application.

Using a tool like ChatGPT or a resume builder can be useful for creating a first draft of a cover letter or a few bullet points on your CV, but AI text can sound formal and, well, robotic.

The key is to rewrite whatever text you create with an AI tool so you can make your job application sound more human – and unique. After all, there is a good chance that many other applicants for the same role will also be using these tools.

More CV Advice

Here are a few more tips that may help you get your resume past AI – and impress recruiters who read it.

  • Keep Social Media Profiles Current: Your LinkedIn and other public social media profiles should present you as a professional with up-to-date information. Ensure that any work history information on your LinkedIn profile matches what is on your CV. On LinkedIn, it’s also helpful to have a few recommendations from colleagues and former employers.

  • Avoid Tricks to ‘Game’ AI: Ignore any CV advice that says to include keywords hidden within your CV in white text to help you get past software filters. Modern software is designed to spot these tricks, so they don’t work!

  • Use Action Verbs and Quantifiable Achievements: CVs always sound more authoritative with direct language. Describe your work experiences using strong action verbs and focus on your quantifiable achievements. For example, instead of saying “Responsible for sales,” say “Increased sales by 20% over six months.”

Don’t Focus Only on Tech to Find Jobs

Hate dealing with robots? Traditional approaches to finding a role are still valid – and just as important.

  • Tap into Your Network: When you’re looking for a new role, get in touch with people in your network. Referrals and job leads from people you know are still effective ways to land a role. Staying connected and actively engaged with your network can give you access to hidden opportunities.

  • Talk to an Experienced Recruiter: Contacting a recruitment specialist directly will help you avoid getting lost in a sea of applications. An experienced New Zealand recruitment agency with a wide network of employers across the country – like us – will help you find a role tailored to your skills and career goals. Recruiters will always take the time to speak with you over the phone to help you find the right role. The personalised support we give is especially beneficial if you are transitioning to a new industry or seeking a higher-level position.

Get Support from the New Zealand Recruitment Experts

Talking to an experienced recruiter can provide you with a competitive edge in your job search. Our expertise and personalised support can help you steer through the job market more effectively and secure a role that aligns with your career goals.

After you've meticulously crafted your CV, we invite you to submit it to us. We have a range of positions that might perfectly align with your career aspirations. Browse our open jobs here or get in touch with us for a chat – we’d love to help you.

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